Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thank you God.....

for giving me my soul mate!

With Valentine's Day coming up, I just got to thinking about how much I really love Alan. Not only is he my husband and lover, he is truly my best friend. I know all of this sounds really korny but w/o him, I wouldn't be able to live. He completes me! (lol that made me think of Austin Powers!) We will be together 10 years this June, and every year has been beautiful. We have had some really hard times in those 10 years but those hard times have made our bond even stronger.

Not only is he an amazing husband but he is also an awesome dad! Ben and Alan are always together. Ben loves his daddy so much! And the way Ivy looks at her daddy just melts my heart! She loves the sound of his voice. She will just sit there and just watch him. It's precious! Alan is not one of those dads that are not involved. Alan has always changed diapers, given baths, gave them bottles and fed them baby food, washed bottles, whatever he could do to help out he would do. He is the worlds greatest daddy!

He has loved me throught thick and thin (and even thicker lol). He has always told me I am beautiful no matter what size I am or what I look like at the time. I was beautiful to him when I was nice and skinny and when I was as big as a bus right after I had my babies. He makes me feel beautiful everyday, and he makes me laugh a million times a day! I am so happy!

So Happy Valentine's Day Alan! I love you more than you will ever know! I am so blessed to have you in my life.

1 comment:

Paige Todd said...

That's sweet! We are lucky to have wonderful husbands. I thank God for Dathan every day.