Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where did the time go?

I was looking through some of Ben's baby pictures and I can't believe how much of a big boy he is now. I mean, I know that he has grown of course but I still see him as my baby. I guess he always will be my baby, even when he has his own children some day. When I look at pictures of him when he was just a rolly polly little baby I realize how fast he has grown up! It just now hit me he is going to be three in a few months! That is so hard to believe. I think the reason I've really been thinking about this is because in a few months we are going to have another little one and it makes me think of my first little one and how he is going to be a big brother now! A BIG BROTHER! It really is hard for me to beilieve. I don't know, I guess I'm just being a hormonal pregnant woman, but this is really making me sad. My baby isn't a baby anymore, but he always will be to me.

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